Tuesday 14 February 2012

A Theory of Mass Culture - Magnifying the Similarities of Reality TV

For my comparative paper, I intend to use Macdonald’s article: A Theory of Mass culture to dissect and analysis components of popular reality TV series namely Survivor, Amazing Race and Paris Hilton’s New BFF.

Although these four shows seem to have very little in common other than the genre of television which they belong to, I wish to argue how each of these shows, in spite of their differences, can show the degree to which mass culture has influenced the quality of television.

In this case, my grounds of comparison would have to be the choice of the TV shows and how they relate to Macdonald’s argument as well as Prizes and Popular Culture

o Survivor: Team-followed by single player elimination, voting and challenges, prize of $1000000 and title of sole ‘survivor

o Amazing Race: Pair elimination, race challenges /teamwork, prize of $1000000

o Paris Hilton’s New BFF: prize – elevation in social status (intangible)